

文學院 通識教育課程

Highlighting Western Chu-Wei Area, Yu-Ler Street & Eastern Gate

Route Introduction

  •     In the eastern part of Tainan City, the upstream of Deqing Creek, cut out a piece of hills, because near the city walls is a large area of bamboo forest, and in order to distinguish with the east side of another bamboo forest, so in the Qing Dynasty called "West Bamboo Wai." During the Japanese period, it was renamed Bamboo Garden. During the Japanese period, it became a space for Japanese colonial officials to live in, the official residence of the governor was located in the area around the West Bamboo, while the hill of the bamboo garden was set up bamboo garden ordinary small school, later changed to "Tainan State Tainan Second Middle School", and later after the war, the establishment of "Taiwan Province, Tainan First Middle School", this place was called Bamboo Garden. And the infantry second team (present-day successful university Guangfu campus) camp continued to the post-war Guangfu camp set up in the vicinity, the crowd gradually began to gather in the West Bamboo Wai and the barracks area, gradually formed the city and Yule Street, but also for the later success of the university's surrounding development laid a foundation. Now with the rise of the concept of preservation and activation and reuse of Tainan's cultural assets, the Japanese-style architecture and special historical background contained in Xizhu Wai have become the cultural and creative base of the key development of the municipal government, which can be seen in the history of modern daily life in Tainan for a hundred years, as well as seeing Tainan's new ideas in cultural tourism.