

文學院 通識教育課程

Five-Canal Harbor Area: The Water Gods and Import-Export Tradesmen

Route Introduction

  • From Taiwan Administration to Tainan Prefecture Government

       The Five Canals Region was the gate of business and trades in Tainan and the main transportation thoroughfare that connected the downtown area and Anping in the olden days. All trades flourished with prosperous commerce. The main harbors—Xinganchien, Fotou, Nanshih, Nanhe, and Anhai were important harbors foe trading. Today, traces of past glory and prosperity have been kept and transformed into stores that combine traditional features and innovative commercial models.

       Walking down the route along the Shuixian Temple, Beishi Street (current Shennong Street) and the stony plate at Jieguan Pavilion, visitors not only get a glimpse of the ups and downs of traders in the olden days, their business- running models and their relationship with the government, but also witness in details the model with which the government and businessmen ruled the place and the forced transformation of the traders affected by shifting political powers.

      A special religious and cultural phenomenon to be observed in this area is how each temple carries a family name. It is the reason why Tainan received its fame as a city of thousand Temples. The tradition is also exemplified by the unique organization among the temples, gatao (gangster) culture, living customs, and gourmet foods that can be seen at every corner of this ancient city.

      Wandering on narrow streets, feeling the historical atmosphere with past glory, visitors can experience special cultural ambience. The old canals are nowhere to be seen, but the special qualities of the amalgamation of trade and culture in this five canals region continue to stay.