

文學院 通識教育課程

Gate of Urn-Shaped Castle and the Stony Plates

Route Introduction

    Taking a walk up the castle-Exploring secrets to give life to history in Tainan
       The Great South Gate was also called the “Ningnan Gate”. It used to cradle a busy marketplace inside the gate. Outside of the gate were graveyards that people seldom frequented. The Gate and the walls divided the worlds of the living and the dead. The Great South Gate is the only remaining urn-shaped castle in Tainan. Part of the wall’s remains can be seen intertwined with the external wall of Tainan Girls’ Senior High School. The Forest of Steles gives people a glimpse of social norms and regulations in the Qing Dynasty. The Broadcasting Bureau provided broadcasting service in the Japanese occupation era. At The Temple of the Five Concubines is buried the five concubines of Emperor Ningjing of the Ming Dynasty who all committed suicide. When tracing this route, a feeling of great change having taken place over time in Tainan will take hold.


  • 延伸閱讀
  • 何培夫,《臺南地區現存碑碣圖志:臺南市(上)篇》,臺北:國立中央圖書館臺灣分館,1992。
  • 國家圖書館臺灣記憶數位典藏網站:http://memory.ncl.edu.tw/tm_cgi?hypage.cgi?/
  • 延伸路線
  • 司法獄政史蹟之旅:從按察司到臺南地方法院。
  • 小南門史蹟:遺址位於南大附小,石碑則存於成大歷史文物館