

文學院 通識教育課程

Highlighting Western Chu-Wei Area, Yu-Ler Street & Eastern Gate

Route Introduction



Soldiers’ Market and Yu-Le Street

   Since Japan set up its second infantry near Western Zhwei, in order to facilitate the military to buy the required supplies, businesses began to emerge nearby and it is commonly known as "The Soldiers’ Market.”  1962, businessman Wang, Tsen took advantage of the Yule Street and set up Dongfeng Market in the alley and moved the "Soldiers’ Market” here. Dongfeng market was originally a retail market, later became both a wholesale and a retail market for  Guangfu barracks and NCKU students to buy shopping, buying food important market, with the gradual increase of vendors, and even spread to Yule Street and Victory Road area are part of the scope of the city, the food items.  More and more vendor flock here and extended into today’s Yu-Le Street and Shangli Road and formed a huge business circle. Later, the traffic congestion and urban renewal drove the market to move to today’s Yongkang area. The demand on food items from NCKU students gradually transformed it into a restaurant street.