The Exploitation of the Works of Nature-Journey about The Frost and The Flower of Salt
Route Introduction
The Rise and Decline of Agricultural Technology
The Exploitation of the Works of Nature is the world's first book to record various ancient Chinese agricultural and industrial technical issues. Western Sinologists labeled it as the "Encyclopedia of Technical." It contains the methods and processes of sugar and salt making, and it brings out a message that sugar and salt are an indispensable part of human life. During the Japanese rule period, Tainan's sugar and salt industries had entered industrialization and became a significant industrial development in the south area. This route will first visit the "Shan-Hua Sugar Factory" to experience the sugar making process; then comes to the "Jia-Li Ding-Bu Village Yan-Ping Community" to share the making of brown sugar. This part aims to understand Taiwan's early economic and industrial culture and the magnitude of the sugar industry during the Japanese rule period. Afterward, by knowing the history of salt drying and salt production from the "Qi-Gu Salt Mountain" to the "An-Shun Salt Field," introducing the rise and fall of Taiwan's salt industry. The exploration to understand the rise and fall or transformation of Tainan's sugar and salt industries, sugar and salt positioning in the world trading system, and the importance play in ordinary people's daily lives.