

文學院 通識教育課程

The Museum: Ecological village and eco-museum

Route Introduction

Traditional Han-style houses in Sankandian

  Walking in the Sankandian settlement, you can still see many traditional houses, telling the lifestyle of the residents in the early settlement. Most of these traditional houses have been expanded and rebuilt to maintain the living functions required by contemporary life, whether it is about the use of reinforced concrete materials, or the red brick walls, red tile roofs, ridges, etc. still conspicuously mark the historical context of residential life, which is an important way to understand a settlement. The ridge of a traditional house comes in many forms, and some studies believe that it can be classified with five elements, ridges with the shapes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth (horseback ridge). What is commonly seen is a gold-shaped ridge head, that is, the front and back slopes are closed in a circle at the ridge head, while the traditional residential ridge head in the Sankandian settlement reveals another form, and it was believed to be quite a popular architectural style for residents. In addition, the size of the bricks and the stacking method of the red brick wall can indicate the stage and era of the settlement. Walking on the path of Sankandian and seeing the residential buildings on the path, is like walking in a museum and learning about the various stories of the people living in the Sankandian settlement and the livelihood that sustained them.