

文學院 通識教育課程

Highlighting Western Chu-Wei

Route Introduction

The Old Taiwan Magistrate's Residence

   The Old Taiwan Magistrate Residence, formerly the residence of Tainan County's governor, after the shutdown of the county office and set up a higher- rank office, the director moved to the official residence, and this place had been reserved for the Magistrate and the traveling lodge of the royal family. After the area was transformed into Tainan, it was used as the official residence of the state governor, and a traveling lodge for royal members. After the war, the building was briefly used as the headquarters of the salt bureau and office of land affairs. In the 1980s, it was used as a civil defense command post, the Eastern District Public House, and a Tainan City Government staff's consumption cooperative union, and finally, the entire western- styled architecture was used as a government staff's consumption cooperative welfare center. After being designated a city monument in 1998, it went through restoration, the city government has cooperated with several businesses to operate restaurants and creative spaces to date.