

文學院 通識教育課程

Kyrie: Pestilence and faith in the salty area

Route Introduction

Jingzaijao Tiled Salt-Pan Field

   Jingzaijiao Tiled Salt-Pan Field is the oldest surviving salt pan in Taiwan, originally the Tadong Salt Field (the third generation) in the Qing Dynasty, and has enjoyed a history of about 200 years. The Tadong Salt Field was originally located in Da-Lin-Pu, in Fengshan County, but after being flooded, it was moved to Jiali, Tainan, and was flooded again. In 1818, it was moved to Beimen of Tainan, at the current site of Jingzaijiao. Beimen Jingzaijiao salt pan field has begun to carry out salt drying work since the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. During the Japanese occupation, it was acquired by Taiwan Salt Production Co., Ltd. After World War II, it was included into the Beimen Salt Field of the National Government, and its salt drying task had not been interrupted until 2000. In recent years, the salt field has been entrusted to private companies to restart the work of sightseeing and salt drying and allows people to experience the hard work and fun of drying and picking salt.