

文學院 通識教育課程

Journey of Beauty

Route Introduction


│National Museum of Taiwan Literature │


    Built in 1916, it was originally the State Hall of Tainan City during Japanese Rule. After the war, it was used by the Air Warfare Supply Command and the Tainan City Government. In 1991, the Cultural Construction Committee of the Administrative Yuan (Today’s Ministry of Culture) proposed the establishment plan of a modern literature museum, approved by the Administrative Yuan.  In 1997, the restoration and renovation works begam and on October 17, 2003, it was officially opened.  In 2007, it was named "National Museum of Taiwan Literature."  National Museum of Taiwan Literature is Taiwan's first national-level literary museum, with the functions of archiving, preserving and researching.  The museum has a literary book reading area, children's literature study and other spaces to provide diversified services, and through exhibitions, activities, promotion and education, and other ways to promote the development of literature.