

文學院 通識教育課程

Exploring the Old Industries of Tainan City

Route Introduction


Bo-Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Store


   Bo-Ren Tang's family history of Traditional Chinese medicine can be traced back to the YongZheng Era of Qing Dynasty, the current boss Zhou Jianwen is the sixth generation. His grandfather, Zhou Zhifu, came to Taiwan to open "Tsing-Yu Tang" in Taipei, then moved to Tainan, with the help of Mr. Chen Yimao, to open a store, and two people's names as the hall name "Yi-Zhi Hall".  Ater his eldest son Zhou Bo-ren took over the Chinese medicine store, and changed its name to "Bo-Ren Tang", and continue to use it to this day. Now the times have changed, the Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine market are shrinking, the sixth generation of boss Zhou Jianwen transformed the store to sell medicinal cuisine, hopefully the culture of Chinese medicine can continue to flourish.