

文學院 通識教育課程

From Kū-Lâu to Sin-Lâu Hospital

Route Introduction


Underground Section of Tainan Railway at Lane 232 of Qing-Nian Road

Walk along the railway, look for traces of historical development.

Lane 232 of Qing-Nian Road, Tainan City


   In earlier times before the railway was electrified, people often took the route across the railroad crossing next to the King of the Inferno Temple in Lane 232 of Qing-Nian Road to do their shopping in the East Market, which was quite convenient. Children in the neighborhood played near the railroad crossing, and people often ignored the regulations, and accidents were not uncommon. For safety’s sake, it had to be surrounded with fences to prohibit passage. People were advised to use the Qing-Nian Road level crossing instead. The King of the Inferno Temple had to be moved with the policy to make the railway go underground, and the level crossing is no longer functional. However, the prohibition signs are still retained. The area around the Tainan Railway and the locations of its surrounding historical buildings have important historical and cultural significance. Let us go and explore them.