

文學院 通識教育課程

Technology and Humanities Science Park and Cultural Archeology

Route Introduction



Taiwan Car Lab

Creators of Innovative Technologies

   In 2019, Taiwan completed a closed self-driving car test field near Tainan High-Speed Rail Station. The field provides a self-driving car test and its operation demonstrations. It will provide manufacturers with product testing and displaying functions, as well as allowing the public to experience and offers social education functions. Compared with other countries, Taiwan has more technical space for the development of autonomous driving,because Taiwan has a highly complex traffic environment, such as the highly mixed traffic pattern of people, motorcycles, and cars. Compared with other countries that are currently developing autonomous vehicles, Taiwan may be able to develop self-driving cars suitable for highly complex traffic environments. That was why the "Taiwan CAR Lab" came into being. In the future, there is an opportunity to extend our products and technology to other Asian countries.