

文學院 通識教育課程

NCKU Students' Route – Area of Environment and Ecology

Route Introduction

Environmental & Ecological Area

|Profound and Magnificent| 


   The National Cheng Kung University Museum was established on November 11, 2007. It is the first museum in a public university to be officially incorporated into the school organization regulations. Its main development goals are research and publishing school history and cultural assets, collecting and maintaining important historical relics. This comprehensive professional museum aims to serve the faculty, students, and staff of the university, and the general public, to promote social education with efforts and establish a cultural park in the university-city without walls.

   The NCKU Museum is composed of the main museum, campus environment museum, and professional museums of colleges and departments, which virtually make the entire NCKU a large museum. The main museum is responsible for the archiving, research, display and promotion of school-level cultural assets (including the environment museum), and assists in the establishment of historical museum rooms or department museums on campuses, to engage in the search, research, preservation, and display of related teaching and research objects, and to eventually form a professional museum group.

   This course focuses on introducing the operating philosophy of the museum's main building. The museum's exhibitions will introduce the connections between the museum's main building and the past, the present, and the future of the school. There are currently exhibition plans for the "Permanent Exhibition," "Series Exhibition, " " Temporary Special Exhibition," "Tour Exhibition," and "Overseas Exhibition," and others.